Our Values
GJ in the Community
We believe community involvement is a responsibility on par with paid work. As our firm has grown over the last number of years, our dedication to giving back to our community has increased as well.
We are dedicated to giving back to the communities in which we work, live, and enjoy. Our involvement not only delivers support to various not-for-profit companies, initiatives, and schools, but also delivers personal and professional development for our employees. Our ability to be active in the community serves as an opportunity to reinforce our ties to the community and with our clients.
The American legal system can be very intimidating, especially to those who are living in poverty and unable to afford legal assistance. Everyone should have fair access to our judicial system. That is why providing pro-bono legal aid to those in need is highly encouraged and practiced at Ginsberg Jacobs.
Some of our attorneys work with Legal Aid Chicago on their pro bono projects in all areas of poverty law, including matters such as immigration, housing, children, and family law. We actively support the Chicago Bar Foundation in their pro bono initiatives.
In addition to our pro bono work, several of our attorneys serve on community not-for-profit boards, including the Domestic Violence Legal Clinic, Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives, The Community Foundation of Oak Park/River Forest, Ensemble Dal Niente, Shared Voices: A Community for People who Stutter, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.